Almost a year ago I started a little project, an experiment if you will, to connect with other writers and to learn from their experiences and life journeys. At that time, I was trying to write full-time and found it a relatively solitary experience. But, I was convinced it didn’t have to be that way. I didn’t know where my project would take me, or if people would be willing to participate, but I decided to at least give it a try. “Give it a try” is a big motto in my life. Because, how can you really know until you try? So, I started reaching out to people that I know and love and asked them if they’d be a part of my new idea. My baby, #WritersQuick5 - an interview series where writers of all genres and ilks gave us the answers to the same five questions. I figured the continuity of always asking the same questions would give the interviews a rhythm, and the readers would know what to expect, and the writers could compare and contrast their own experiences. I am happy to report that the people in my life are just as amazing as I knew they were and they said yes. And soon, the ball was rolling. More and more people said yes. And #WritersQuick5 quickly became an awesome way for me to get to know other people, people from the Channillo family, people from the Chicago Writers Association, people from the writing community at large. Friends of friends, folks on Twitter, the list goes on. Every time someone said yes I was excited and humbled and still feel that way. And here we are, almost a year later, and 36 incredible people have taken the time to tell us all a little bit more about their lives and their writing experiences. I am incredibly grateful to each of them and to all of you for reading. The “Where Are They Now?” post from a couple weeks ago was one of the most read posts, showing me that a lot of people are interested in following-up on this amazing crew. But, as TNG as taught us… “All good things…” (and if you get that reference, I love you even more) Truth is, recruiting people to be part of #WritersQuick5 is a joy, but it’s a lot of work. It actually takes me more time to recruit that it does to post the interviews. And, as we come up on the holidays, and as I’m really getting rolling in my new full-time job, I’ve had to face some hard truths and admit to myself that I don’t actually have time to do everything right now. Something, something had to give. So, I’ve decided, for the moment, that #WritersQuick5 is that thing. I can’t bring myself to say it’s over, so I’d rather phrase it like this - we are at the end of Season One. And, following in the footsteps of Netflix, no one (not even me) will quite know when Season Two will start. But, hopefully it will be sometime in 2018, and I’m sure Season Two will be just as great as Season One. So, as I always say, stay tuned. There are other things coming up for me in 2018 writing-wise that I’m very excited about and I can’t wait to continue to share all of these experiences with you. And thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for everyone who was a part of #WritersQuick5. It has been a true highlight of my life. XOXO and Happy Holidays!
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